Stream the New Song

New England

March 23, 2025

In an age where most popular music is conjured out of thin air and curated for short-form virality, Robbie John writes to tell meaningful stories, and believes everyone should live their lives in such a way that they have something to write about.


Sep 12, 2024 | Song Story: One Night Soulmate

Last night was a remarkable night. Outside the bus station in Bangkok, I met a girl from Turkey. She’s a 26 year-old teacher and musician who lives now in Thailand, and was on her way to…

On Fate, Love and Destiny

Aug 15, 2024 | Song Story: Keep Sleeping

I wake up on my side and stare at the wall. The temperature of my bedroom is well below 70, but the heavy down comforter keeps me warm. Slowly, like remembering something from long ago…

Are the Stories All Wrong?

July 5, 2024 | Song Story: New England

Regret is Unavoidable, And That’s Okay

It’s Friday, July 19th, 2024. I’m sitting in my brother’s house while he and his wife are away visiting New Jersey. The hum of their old AC unit sounds behind me, and I see their wetsuits hanging…

The music of Robbie John is proudly self-described as “music that means something.” His sound spans multiple genres, including acoustic, rock, and pop, anchored by the constant warmth of strings and orchestra.

Robbie is currently releasing his debut album “This Ache In My Chest,” a 16-track epic which was written over half a decade and across four different continents. Inspired by Robbie’s own international backpacking trips, the album loosely follows the path of a physical journey, structured around four main events every young person experiences: Departure, Love, Lessons, and Return.

Given the choice between impressing crowds with talent or moving individual hearts with stories, Robbie would choose the latter every time.

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